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Germination Station

Does seed size affect germination rate?

Step 1

Today we are going to observe some different seeds and make a hypothesis (educated guess) about which seed will sprout first, second and third. We want to figure out if the size of a seed affects how quickly the seed sprouts. What do you think? Do you think smaller seeds will sprout first or larger seeds?

Step 2

For this activity, you will need 3 cotton balls, 3 seeds of different types and sizes, a plastic zip top sandwich bag and a permanent marker. Before you begin, make some observations about your seeds. Compare and contrast them with the other seeds you are using in this lesson. What similarities or differences do you notice?

Step 3

Dip your cotton balls in some water and then squeeze them out so that they are damp, but not dripping wet.Then flatten them out by pulling the cotton balls apart slightly.

Step 4

Place each type of seed on a different cotton ball, pressing it into the cotton ball a little bit to help hold it.

Step 5

Next, carefully place each cotton ball with a seed in the bottom of your plastic sandwich bag with a little bit of space separating each cotton ball and zip the bag closed, making sure to leave a little bit of air.

Step 6

Now it’s time to make your hypothesis, or educated guess, on what seed we think will sprout first, second and third. Use a permanent marker to mark your guess by writing a 1 above the seed you think will sprout first, 2 above the seed you think will sprout second and 3 above the seed you think will sprout last.

Step 7

Finally, get a piece of tape and tape your baggie in a window where it will get plenty of sunlight. Because you left some air in the bag, and the cotton balls were soaked with water, your bag will act like a greenhouse as your seeds begin to sprout, so you will not need to do anything more.

Step 8

Observe your seeds every day to see any changes. Was your hypothesis correct?  We would love to see your results!  Share any photos or videos you took along the way!


Grade: K-5


  • 3 Cotton balls
  • 3 Seeds of different types and sizes
  • 1 Plastic zip top sandwich bag
  • Permanent marker
  • Tape


Objective: To make observations of various seeds to determine if seed size affects germination rate.

Standards: 3-LS4-2, 4-LS1-1

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