Some people wish for the latest technology for their birthday. Others wish for a nice meal out on the town or a weekend getaway. But this year, race car driver Adam Casari’s birthday wish was a bit different.
When Adam began racing at Berlin Raceway, he knew that he wanted to use his platform to give back to the community. After seeing firsthand the importance of Kids’ Food Basket when a child close to him received Sack Suppers, Adam decided to dedicate space on his race car and schedule for KFB. Not only did he place the KFB logo on the back of his car, but he also became a volunteer facilitator, spending one evening a week overseeing the packing and prepping of Sack Suppers.
This spring, Adam decided to ramp up his advocacy by hosting a birthday party at KFB, encouraging his network to sign up to prepare and pack Sack Suppers.
“I’ve been trying to figure out how to get my family, friends and sponsors to not only support me, but support Kids’ Food Basket and learn more about what Kids’ Food Basket is and why I do it,” Adam shared.
When the day of the party came, Adam rolled up to 1300 Plymouth Ave. with his brand-new race car. Kids excitedly lined up to take photos and climb inside car 9k, numbered for the amount of Sack Suppers KFB distributed each weekday when Adam first began at Berlin Raceway. A small “10k” has been nestled into the graphic of the new car, reflecting the expanded number that KFB serves today.
More than 70 people flooded the KFB lobby to sing Adam “Happy Birthday” before splitting into volunteer groups that packed Sack Suppers, sliced and packaged red bell peppers, separated pudding cups, sorted apples and decorated bags. The entire building revved with energy as the celebratory group of all ages made short work of their tasks. Before they left for the evening, not only were all scheduled tasks complete, but so were many of the special projects for the week!
For Adam, having his party at KFB was an easy decision.
“I thought having a birthday party here would be a great way to bring everybody in and see how easy it is to volunteer and how important it is,” said Adam. “The goal is that hopefully everybody comes back again at some point.”
When the community comes together, we can make memories, magic and a major impact. Adam’s story is a testament about what just one person can do to make a difference for kids in West Michigan. We are humbled by his support and grateful for his energetic passion for creating a more equitable West Michigan for all.
Thank you, Adam, and good luck this racing season!
You can volunteer with Adam on Monday nights or create your own volunteer event by contacting