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Donate Through a Donor Advised Fund

Many charitably minded individuals and families set up Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) as a way to support all of the causes they love, including Kids’ Food Basket. Simply put, a DAF is like a charitable checking account. First, you donate cash or other assets (securities, retirement plans, real estate, personal property, etc.) to a sponsoring organization such as a public foundation – there are many local and national options. You are then an advisor for the fund and can recommend how much and how often money is granted from the balance of the DAF to charities of your choice.  

For some donors, creating a Donor Advised Fund can be advantageous for tax planning purposes. You qualify for a federal income tax deduction for the full amount contributed during the year you donate it to the fund. However, you can then advise grants from the fund to other charities over time at amounts and intervals that best fit your giving goals. 

How do you get started? 

There are many things to consider when deciding if a Donor Advised Fund is a good charitable option for you. Furthermore, each sponsoring organization will have their own policies for minimum balance, advising grants, etc. We recommend starting by talking with your financial, tax or legal advisors to determine whether a DAF is right for you. 

Please contact with questions about how Kids’ Food Basket can benefit from your Donor Advised Fund.