Consistency Makes All the Difference

Since day one, Kids’ Food Basket (KFB), has been dedicated to providing consistent access to healthy food to children and families across West Michigan. When a child has the opportunity to eat nutritious food on a daily basis, it fuels the energy they need to reach their full potential in school and in life. It […]

Brown Bag Decorating Day

Add a touch of love to Sack Suppers! Together, we ensure that local students have the nourishment, love and support they need to be their best in school and beyond. As a community, we transform Sack Supper bags into joyous works of art for West Michigan children! What You’ll Need! Brown or white 4, 6, 8 lb. […]

Donate Stock or Give Through Your IRA

Donate Stock or Give Through Your IRA A gift through your appreciated investments can maximize your ability to nourish children today! These gifts are simple to set up and can often provide considerable tax savings.  Stocks, Securities and Mutual Funds  By donating stock that has appreciated for more than a year, you may be able […]

Host a Wish List Drive

Host a Wish List Drive Kids’ Food Basket’s Sack Suppers are a well-rounded, nutritious evening meals critical to the development of the brain and body. Each Sack Supper includes fruits, vegetables, proteins and a variety of healthy and tasty snacks. Providing that level of nutrition to thousands of children each weekday takes a lot of […]